Process Simulate

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  • Description
  • Curriculum
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Due to the dynamic development of robot offline programming, we would like to encourage you to broaden your knowledge regarding Process Simulate software.

The knowledge we would like to share with you has been gained through our active participation in projects run for automotive industry. Working as offline robotics engineers gives us a chance to be up-to-date with the latest challenges and problems related to the field of simulation/OLP.

In the first lesson, we will look through basics of working in the “Process Simulate”.


  1. Basic Knowledge of Process Simulate
  2. Create and Load a Project
  3. Information about Cell


  1. Introduction to “Porcess Simulate” 00.00-01.23
  2. Main Windows 01.24-03.53
  3. Buttons and Functions 03.54-04.55
  4. None Ribbon 04.56-06.13
  5. Customize 06.14-09.10
  6. Options 09.11-18.22
  7. Customize 2.0 18.23-19.41
  8. Project Creating 19.42-25.46
  9. Project Load 25.47-25.59
  10. Information about cell 26.00-30.27
  11. Working Controller 30.28-34.17
Course details
Duration 34 min
Lectures 1
Video 34 min
Level Beginner

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